Frequently Asked QuestionsDoes Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture is relatively painless. Acupuncture needles are much thinner than the syringes used in hospitals. Most people only feel a slight prick upon insertion. During treatment, many people say they experience a feeling of energy rushing through the body. For most people, acupuncture treatment is a deeply relaxing experience, and something they look forward to in the same way they would look forward to getting a massage. Is there any risk of needle contamination? No, needles are never reused. Modern day acupuncturists use disposable needles, so there is no risk of contamination. A brand new sterile needle is used for each insertion, and once removed it is discarded into a medical waste receptacle. What conditions can acupuncture treat? Acupuncture can be used to treat almost any disease. Please see the list of health conditions which are effectively treated with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. How many treatments will I need? There is no simple answer here, because everybody is different. The number of treatments you will need depends on various factors, such as how chronic your condition is, your age, and your current state of health. While many people do feel relief immediately after one session, it may require five, ten or even more acupuncture sessions to get a permanent relief. The good news is that if you get any relief from acupuncture at all, then acupuncture can effectively work for your condition over time. With repeated treatments eventually you should "graduate," meaning your condition should resolve and in that case you will not need to come back for more treatments. |